General Emigration News News - Emigrate UK Page 6
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Expat parent options for Russian public and private education
If you and your family are heading to Russia due to a reassignment, finding a suitable school for your children is a must. For parents moving overseas on relocation, finding suitable schools for their offspring is a must. Although Russia is still considered as a developing country, its primary schools are rated as being one of the better...
Best world destinations for expat digital nomads
Where in the world are the best destinations for expat digital nomads? For most of the 20th century, world travel was a luxury only available to the relatively wealthy or those employees on business trips whose companies provided everything from the flight itself to hotels and expenses. The advent of low-cost airlines aimed at the tourism...
Virtual home viewing tours now all the rage for relocating expats
Virtual viewing for expats looking to move house is now the latest way to circumvent the pandemic’s effect on everyday life. With the door now closed on open-house viewings, virtual home tours are filling the gap for both potential buyers as well as real estate agencies’ businesses. Given that Prague is now a favourite location for...
Quarantined expats in China forced to accept surveillance cameras
Are Western expats living and working in China as welcome as they believed? Recent reports of expat life in China have been overwhelmingly positive as regards support from local authorities, friendly locals, close communities and the lifestyle itself, but expats are now beginning to wonder if the pandemic has brought in racial prejudice...
Will Brexit and the pandemic change Brit expat location choices?
It’s still not clear how the coronavirus plus the Brexit effect will change British would-be expats’ post-pandemic location choices. It’s true that Brexit was the cause of many older Britons’ decisions to settle in EU member states before it was too late, but even more are now looking to emigrate due to the economic slowdown and...
How to deal with Japan’s cultural differences during the pandemic
Dealing with Japan’s unique cultural differences during the coronavirus crisis. As in every other first world country, Japan’s multinationals are now struggling to respond to the worldwide shutdowns caused by the coronavirus pandemic, with cultural clashes and misunderstandings the norm in this traditionally structured society. Team...
What not to do when planning your expatriation
If you’re looking to emigrating to an unfamiliar overseas destination and don’t have time to fully research the location online, what’s the best way to collect the necessary information for a rational decision? The majority of expats new to this fascinating lifestyle game invariably head for online reviews placed by companies...
Expats in China happy they didn’t return to their home countries
How are Western expats in China coping now the vast country is opening up again? When the news about the coronavirus outbreak first hit the international media, many expats living and working in Hubei and other provinces decided to leave rather than risk their lives, but those who stayed were eventually glad they’d taken the chance....
Using lockdown time to determine your next expat destination
For expats who’re at present trapped in another lockdowned country, planning your future location can while away the hours. Expatriation is like a drug to many seasoned world travellers, with a huge choice of diverse countries out there waiting to be explored. From digital nomads to expat professionals, moving on is something to look...
Expats in China feel far safer than in their home countries
Expats in China are determined to stay put as they feel safer there than in their home countries. Expats living and working in China are refusing to consider repatriation as they believe they’re far safer where they are. One issue is the flight itself, as it simply needs one person unaware that they’re infected to spread the virus to...