Pet Transfers News - Emigrate UK
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Tips on a trouble-free relocation as an expat overseas
Believe it or not, moving overseas to live as an expat in a strange land can be exciting as well as terrifying! Many Britons dream of a challenging new job or a relaxing retirement in the sun, but fight shy of actually making those dreams come true. Yes, it’s a hassle like no other, especially if family are involved, but a...
Tips for expats taking their pets with them on relocation
If you can’t bear to leave your beloved pets behind when you emigrate, these tips will help. Planning to move overseas can be an exciting challenge, but leaving beloved dogs or cats behind isn’t an option for the vast majority of those heading to another country. Many pet owner have said relocating their furry best friends is more...
Expat dog owners need to know Spanish laws prior to arrival
Would-be expats who wouldn’t think of leaving their furry friend behind need to check on Spain’s dog ownership laws. If you’re planning to emigrate to Spain no matter what happens with Brexit and can’t bear to leave your beloved dog behind, you’ll need to check out the country’s dog ownership laws. Once Brexit is a reality,...