News - Emigrate UK Page 6
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Expats in Vietnam staying as they feel safer than at home
Expats are breathing sighs of relief as Vietnam opens its economy on a ten day trial basis. Vietnam’s hard work in convincing everyone it’s a safe destination amongst Southeast Asian chaos seems now to have borne fruit as the country announces its economy is now open. Albeit the opening is on a trial basis for 10 days, there seems no...
Expat parent options for Russian public and private education
If you and your family are heading to Russia due to a reassignment, finding a suitable school for your children is a must. For parents moving overseas on relocation, finding suitable schools for their offspring is a must. Although Russia is still considered as a developing country, its primary schools are rated as being one of the better...
Best world destinations for expat digital nomads
Where in the world are the best destinations for expat digital nomads? For most of the 20th century, world travel was a luxury only available to the relatively wealthy or those employees on business trips whose companies provided everything from the flight itself to hotels and expenses. The advent of low-cost airlines aimed at the tourism...
Expats in Southern Spain less than impressed by new exercise rulings
Expats all along Spain’s southern coastline were looking forward to governmental loosening of its lockdown. Expats living in the Costa Brava and Costa del Sol regions of Spain had been eagerly awaiting information on a loosening of the country’s strict lockdown regulation, but are now calling it farcical for its instructions as to who...
Expats in Portugal celebrate the end of the state of emergency
Expats in Portugal are relieved and happy about the government’s ending of the state of emergency. Midnight on Saturday will be the time for expats in Portugal to celebrate the ending of the popular country’s state of emergency. An announcement by the republic’s president had been eagerly awaited by nationals and expats alike, as the...
Will Brexit and the pandemic change Brit expat location choices?
It’s still not clear how the coronavirus plus the Brexit effect will change British would-be expats’ post-pandemic location choices. It’s true that Brexit was the cause of many older Britons’ decisions to settle in EU member states before it was too late, but even more are now looking to emigrate due to the economic slowdown and...
How to deal with Japan’s cultural differences during the pandemic
Dealing with Japan’s unique cultural differences during the coronavirus crisis. As in every other first world country, Japan’s multinationals are now struggling to respond to the worldwide shutdowns caused by the coronavirus pandemic, with cultural clashes and misunderstandings the norm in this traditionally structured society. Team...
Brits getting out of London are heading for New Zealand
If you’re desperate to get out of London in the general direction of New Zealand, now’s the time to bag a post-lockdown property in these stunning islands. As New Zealand reduces its stringent covid-19 restrictions on viewing property, real estate agents are already listing two viewings per day for a wide choice of available property....
Brit expats worried over higher food and insurance costs due to covid-19
With the economic effect of the coronavirus pandemic looming, would-be expats calculating their monthly needs should watch out for sudden price hikes. No-one’s certain how badly the pandemic will affect investments, savings, pensions, exchange rates and world economic health, but for would-be expat retirees calculating their financial...
What’s it really like for expats in lockdown Italy
Those looking to expatriate from the home country can find online accounts of the lifestyle in their chosen destination which can help with decision- making, but what happens nowadays with almost every norm unrecognisable due to the pandemic? For several decades, Europe has been a favourite location for British expats due to freedom of...