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Favourite tech-friendly destinations for expat entrepreneurs
Talented tech expats now have a choice of world countries able to fulfil their dreams of entrepreneurship. For the past decade, the buzzword for the younger worldwide expat community has been ‘tech’ – as hundreds of thousands of would-be leaders in the field take their ideas to new countries in the hope of finding the crock of gold...
Western expats in Thailand facing governmental blame for the pandemic
Western expats living, working or retiring in Thailand are increasingly being blamed for the country’s coronavirus crisis. The message comes from the top via a government minister who earlier publicly blamed Western tourists, claiming they were dirty and never showered. Online comments on Thai social media suggest his xenophobia is...
Expats planning to relocate to Vietnam now locked out
Vietnam’s surprise closing off of the country to foreigners is only temporary, but may well upset expat relocation plans. Concerns over its rising total of coronavirus patients caused yesterday’s surprise closure and follow on from a previous ruling on March 18 quarantining all foreign and Vietnamese arrivals for 14 days. It seems the...
New Chiang Mai Search and Rescue group aims to help vulnerable expats
As the level of coronavirus infections in Thailand increases, expats living in the northern city of Chiang Mai are coming together to organise support systems for the most vulnerable. According to British Consul Ben Svasti, the new and appropriately named Chiang Mai Search and Rescue effort is now working with long-established Lanna Care...
Is positive COVID 19 news the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning?
It’s decision time for would-be expats as well as those already settled overseas. For expats already working or retiring in their chosen location, the COVID 19 pandemic may seem like the world’s worst nightmare, and would-be expats still in the planning stages are stuck until there’s a relaxation of the rules governing freedom of...
Study reveals Singapore wins out for economic freedom
Expats looking for the best relocation deal could do far worse than head for Singapore. Everything that’s important to would-be expats, including the size of salaries, a free regulatory environment, ultra-modern business frameworks and the lifestyle itself depends on the economic freedom of the chosen destination. A recent survey by the...
Expat residents love Turkey’s unique way of coping with the pandemic
Expats living in Turkey are having a far easier time than their counterparts elsewhere in Europe. Turkey was a favourite for Western expats right up until the violence of the Arab Spring, but seems now to be regaining its popularity due to its sensitive approach to the coronavirus pandemic. The country’s recently reformed healthcare...
Philippines locks down Metro Manila due to coronavirus fears
Just as the Philippines was recovering its popularity with expats looking to settle in Southeast Asia, Metro Manila’s mega city has been closed down due to the coronavirus pandemic. Over the past several decades, would-be expats looking for the perfect tropical location mostly headed for Thailand’s southern shores, ignoring Vietnam...
Is Gronigen an alternative to Amsterdam for expat professionals?
As major cities in countries popular with expat professionals become more crowded and expensive, seeking out alternatives in the chosen country seems the only way forward. The Netherlands has long been an all-time favourite for expat entrepreneurs, especially those in the tech sector. As a result, accommodation is now in short supply and...
As Asia gets less welcoming, the Philippines is opening up to expats
As more and more would-be expats choose the lesser-known Southeast Asian countries rather than the usual European destinations, the Philippines is coming into its own as a destination for digital nomads, entrepreneurs and retirees. One of the archipelago’s major attractions for those to whom learning an Asian language is a nightmare is...