New Zealand News - Emigrate UK Page 9
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New Zealand IRD system may inspire immigration upgrade
As reported by Stuff, the Inland Revenue has warned the New Zealand government of a billion-dollar fee to replace its declining First mainframe computer system. As part of a briefing to Revenue Minister Peter Dunne, the Inland Revenue calculated the approximate cost at between $1 - $1.5 billion, saying the project could not be delayed. It...
More migrants leaving New Zealand than arriving
As reported by The Dominion Post, the total immigration flow into New Zealand stayed positive during the Christchurch earthquakes and the global financial crisis, but authorities believe that more people are actually leaving now than arriving. Figures recently released by the Labour Department revealed that levels of long- term and...
N.Z. worker emigration to Australia may cause labour shortage
As reported by Business Week, a record emigration of New Zealanders in 2011 seeking jobs and higher pay in Australia is risking the country’s earthquake-affected economy weak to a labour shortage during reconstruction. A record high of 45,863 New Zealand citizens permanently relocated to Australia by Dec. 31 2011, according to a recent...
Australia and New Zealand emigrants in for closer crime checks
A trial-run that will boost access to the criminal records of those crossing the Tasman in order to seek employment is to be launched in the Australian state of Queensland this year, as reported by the New Zealand Herald. Government officials of New Zealand and Australia both hope that a trial of six months is to improve the disclosure of...