Ireland News - Emigrate UK Page 3
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Large class sizes in Ireland could be address by emigrating teachers
The president of INTO primary teacher’s union, Sean McMahon, has said that it’s a disgrace that many qualified teacher graduates have been forced to emigrate from Ireland due to low wages whilst Ireland has the euro zone’s most overcrowded classes. He added that these teachers would return to teach in their home country if the chances...
Emigrants want Ryanair to reduce flights for returning to vote
Campaign members from “Get the Boat 2 Vote” have written a letter to Ryanair’s Head of Communications Robin Kiely asking if the company would offer discounted flights for emigrants wanting to return to Ireland so that they can vote in the referendum regarding marriage equality on May 22. As Ireland does not have a postal vote...
90% of medical students plan to leave Ireland
Recent shocking new research has shown nine out of 10 medical students are considering moving to another country after they graduate. Over two thousand students at the six medical schools in Ireland took part in the survey. Thirty-three per cent of the students said that they had clear intentions to leave the country upon qualifying...
Majority of emigrants find moving overseas tougher than expected
Most Irish emigrants who have headed for pastures new in recent years have found life more difficult than they initially expected, with factors such as finding a place to live, a job and homesickness among the problems encountered. Social care agency Crosscare Migrant Project conducted a survey of 500 Irish people who moved overseas...
World?s Best Irish Pub: US leading the way
More than 800 drinkers in 36 countries around the world have entered a contest to vote for the Best Irish Pub in the World outside the Emerald Isle, with establishments in countries including the UK, the US, the Philippines and even Mongolia all involved. Among this that have already been voted for are Healy Mac’s in the Malaysian...
24 Irish emigrants faced deportation from Australia after roof-fixing scam
Twenty-four Irish emigrants are being held in detention in Australia and awaiting deportation after having their visas cancelled for running a roof-fixing scam. The arrests were made after police searched a caravan park in the Hazelmere area of Perth, Western Australia, and took seven “people of interest” into custody, according to the...
Mothers of emigrants more likely to suffer depression
Mothers of emigrants who left Irish shores in the midst of the recession are more prone to depression than those whose children live in Ireland. Women whose children have relocated overseas in the recent years have suffered a rise in depressive symptoms as well as feelings of loneliness, according Trinity College Dublin’s Longitudinal...
High tax rates forcing young Irish professionals to emigrate
The Irish junior finance minister is blaming the exodus of young professionals on the country’s high tax rate. Brian Hayes, Ireland’s junior finance minister, is demanding a cut to the rate of income tax, to be spread over the next two budgets. In a recent speech, he said that the current tax rate is punishingly high on modest wages...
Returning Irish taking advantage of low land prices by buying ahead
Migrants who left Ireland in their 20s and 30s after the recession took hold are taking advantage of low property and land prices to buy ahead for their eventual return. Cash-rich emigrants who’ve done well in their host countries since they left Ireland are turning their thoughts to preparing for their return home. Parcels of land as...
Southeast Asia favourite with expats for cost effectiveness and weather
Last year’s Expat Explorer survey revealed that the southeast Asian countries were amongst the most cost-effective as regards maximising disposable income. Although the cost of living in your chosen country may not be a deciding factor, it’s as well to consider a comparison between several countries before making a final choice. If...