International Relocation News - Emigrate UK Page 32

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New Zealand to ban expats from purchasing property

New Zealand to ban expats from purchasing property
Would-be expats heading to New Zealand may find they’re banned from buying a home. Due to a spate of mega-rich expats buying up luxury properties as a hedge against a popular doomsday scenario, newly arrived expatriates may find their plans to buy property stymied by law. New Zealand’s attraction as a safe haven in which to survive a...

Why do expats fear coming home

Why do expats fear coming home
For expats who love their overseas lives, coming home can be the worst nightmare. In the expat world, summertime isn’t just for holidays, it’s also the time when many contracts end, leaving professionals wondering where to go next. If there’s nothing fanciable on the horizon, a return to the home country is almost inevitable. For...

A tale of five Chinese cities for adventurous expats

A tale of five Chinese cities for adventurous expats
Nowadays, China is perhaps the hottest ever destination for expat professionals and budding entrepreneurs. Scarcely a week goes by without yet another online article about expat opportunities in one of the world’s most challenging destinations. Each of China’s five mega-cities is competing with its rivals to attract the best and most...

Brexit may result in frozen pensions for expats in Europe

Brexit may result in frozen pensions for expats in Europe
British citizens still planning to retire overseas are being urged to take financial advice about possible changes to social security agreements post-Brexit. EU member states have reciprocal agreements with the UK on social security provisions, but there’s been no guidance as yet as to whether these will remain valid after Brexit kicks...

Expats in UAE urged to stay ahead in the property game

Expats in UAE urged to stay ahead in the property game
Buying property in the UAE’s secondary property market could be a wise move for expat investors. It’s now generally accepted the UAE’s secondary property market is sliding gently towards the doldrums due to expat investors’ lack of confidence in the present rush to re-brand the emirates as a whole. According to local real estate...

Expats in UAE urged to be aware of certain Dubai laws

Expats in UAE urged to be aware of certain Dubai laws
Newly arrived expats in Dubai are being urged to take note of the emirate’s unfamiliar laws. It’s no surprise Dubai is one of the world’s most popular relocation hubs for expat professionals due to its ultra-luxurious ambience and big salaries. However, expat life in the emirate is governed by unfamiliar laws which may seem illogical...

Finding work as an expat overseas

Finding work as an expat overseas
Retirees and trust-fund babies exempt, everyday expats are going to need jobs in order to pay the bills. These days, emigration is the buzzword for many millennials, with the trend certain to keep growing over the next decade and more. The worldwide rise of the tech sector has resulted in the creation of literally thousands of jobs...

Navigating Chinese employment contracts needs a lawyer

Navigating Chinese employment contracts needs a lawyer
Perhaps the most crucial aspect of taking on a job in China is the employment contract. Understanding exactly what you’re signing up for can be tricky enough in your own language, but it’s impossible without qualified, bilingual legal assistance if your career is taking off in China. It’s not just the contract itself, it’s the...

Expat entrepreneurs discovering Vietnam as the perfect startup incubator

Expat entrepreneurs discovering Vietnam as the perfect startup incubator
Expat entrepreneurs are discovering Vietnam for its cost-effectiveness and efficiency. Given the difficulties of getting settled and building a business in the vast majority of expatriate hubs, it’s no surprise that Vietnam has burst onto the 21st century expat entrepreneurial scene and is now attracting increasing numbers looking to...

Hints for successful expat integration into China

Hints for successful expat integration into China
In many ways, mainland China is the biggest ever challenge for expats due to its language, culture and totally unfamiliar business norms. Relocating to one of China’s massive cities wasn’t even possible a few decades ago, but it’s now a hot destination for expat entrepreneurs, tech professionals, English teachers and the best and...