General Emigration News News - Emigrate UK Page 93

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NZ contractors applaud RSE immigration scheme

NZ contractors applaud RSE immigration scheme
Vineyard contractors in Marlborough, New Zealand, are continuing to applaud the Recognised Seasonal Employer plan as a key solution to fill labour shortages in many local vineyards, as the pruning season is under way. As of Monday, around 600 RSE labourers were in Marlborough, compared to 580 by the end of May 2011, reveals to the Labour...

Expert says learn host language before moving overseas

Expert says learn host language before moving overseas
Those considering leaving the United Kingdom for a different land should try picking up at least some of the host country’s language before moving overseas in order to perform daily tasks and integrate more with the new surroundings, advises an expert.

 Lindsay de Feliz, who is marketing manager with Expat Focus, encourages to chose...

2011 saw rise in Estonia immigration and emigration

2011 saw rise in Estonia immigration and emigration
Data from Statistics Estonia reveal that 6,214 people emigrated from the country in 2011 – an increase of 920 from the year before. Immigration figures also went up by 899, reaching 3,709, reports the Estonian Public Broadcasting. Similarly to other years, more females were exiting the country, while more males were moving in, the...

Irish Government blamed for driving 9 people per hour to emigrate

Irish Government blamed for driving 9 people per hour to emigrate
The Irish government has been attacked by Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams for forcing nine Irish people per hour to emigrate. Adams cited the country’s appalling emigration rates as he called for a more united Ireland at his political party’s yearly congress. Delegates to the conference in Killarney gave Mr Adams a standing ovation as...

Young adult emigration makes Ireland population plummet by 12 percent

Young adult emigration makes Ireland population plummet by 12 percent
The figure of young adults living in Ireland has dropped by over one-tenth since 2006, reveal results from the April 2011 census. According to the Older and Younger report released by the Central Statistics Office, the age group 19 - 24 was the only one to decline, with a drop of 12%, since the previous census. Young adults’ emigration...

West Java to crack down on immigrants

West Java to crack down on immigrants
Following reports of extensive visa abuse, the West Java government has announced plans to crack down on firms, religious establishments, and NGOs employing illegal volunteers and workers. 

 Hening Widiatmoko, head of West Java Manpower and Transmigration Agency, says the agency will create a task force with the Immigration...

Four Irish families emigrating each week

Four Irish families emigrating each week
Around four Irish families are emigrating every week, reports one of the country’s biggest storage and removal companies. Careline, which operates in Dublin, Limerick, Cork and Galway, says public demand for its services stemming those leaving the country has gone up during the last 18 months. 

 Noel Power, the firm’s general...

Venezuela immigration twice as high as emigration

Venezuela immigration twice as high as emigration
While opposition forces in Venezuela argue that many businesses, professionals and upper class citizens are emigrating from their homeland, government proponents argue that the South American nation is now a “pole of attraction” since it became the number two immigrant destination spot on the continent. A recent 18-minute video titled...

11 Indians with invalid immigration visas detained in UK

11 Indians with invalid immigration visas detained in UK
Eleven Indian nationals, accused of either overstaying their visas or entering the UK illegally, were arrested following an inspection of two overloaded vehicles in Lincolnshire. The eleven are being held in detention centres awaiting their deportation from the country. Official sources report that the inspection was conducted after...

Low annuity making emigrant retirees pull pensions out of UK

Low annuity making emigrant retirees pull pensions out of UK
As annuity rates hit an all-time low, more and more UK expatriates are seeking out Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pensions Schemes to secure their retirement income, according to personal finance experts. Currently, the majority of people approaching retirement age are still deciding to swap pension savings for annuities, which pay out...