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Rules changing for Brits emigrating to Haiti

Posted on February 1, 2012 in Visas
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Rules changing for Brits emigrating to Haiti
A law passed in 1978 will now be enforced in Haiti, with a potentially huge impact on British immigrants working on the island. The Ministry of the Interior has decided that any foreigners staying in Haiti for over 90 days will be obliged to seek a residence permit from the Directorate of Immigration and Emigration (DIE), and will be valid...

British pensioner emigrates after council tax jail term

British pensioner emigrates after council tax jail term
A female pensioner who has been jailed twice for refusing to pay council tax due to high levels of crime in her street has decided to emigrate. Josephine Rooney, 75, has decided to move to Ireland, after giving up a decade-long fight to change her neighbourhood, reports the Daily Mail. Rooney said she is “fed up” with syringes being...

Australia and New Zealand emigrants in for closer crime checks

Australia and New Zealand emigrants in for closer crime checks
A trial-run that will boost access to the criminal records of those crossing the Tasman in order to seek employment is to be launched in the Australian state of Queensland this year, as reported by the New Zealand Herald. Government officials of New Zealand and Australia both hope that a trial of six months is to improve the disclosure of...

Brain drain hits Spain

Posted on January 27, 2012 in Spain
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Brain drain hits Spain
The Spanish population is shrinking for the first time in recent history due to a slow but steady wave of emigration. Highly-educated Spaniards are searching for work in different countries, as well as hundreds of thousands of immigrants returning home. Despite Spain’s high unemployment rates, many of the people leaving the country are...