Chinese CPPCC official believes China needs more expats

Chinese CPPCC official believes China needs more expats

Chinese CPPCC official believes China needs more expats

Xu Lin, a member of the prestigious National Committee of the Chinese People’s Consultative Conference, belives the country’s murky immigration laws need clarifying.

Commenting during a meeting of the CPPCC, the country’s leading political advisory body, Xu stated that China needs to draw more migrants from overseas by clarifying its present laws on immigration and permanent residence. She pointed out that the requirements for residency are not clear as regards qualifications.

At present, only those whose significant contributions to the country’s culture, social and economic development are eligible, for permanent residency and the language used is ambiguous. How, she asked, are we able to determine exactly who fits the bill and how significant their contributions have been?

Xu pointed out that the USA and Canada, both of which have benefitted hugely from selective immigration, judge applicants by specifics such as education, experience and their position in the sector in which they work. People, she added, can clearly see whether they stand a chance of being awarded permanent residency.

Since the 2004 ratification of a law permitting foreign permanent residents, China has only issued some 5,000 green-card style permits, a number far lower than the actual number of immigrants who enter the USA every year. Xu is concerned that, in spite of China’s position on the world’s economic stage, it’s lagging far behind in assembling an international talent pool.

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