Former expats missing good life head back to Dubai

Former expats missing good life head back to Dubai

Former expats missing good life head back to Dubai

Former expat workers in Dubai disappointed in the lack of opportunity and salary cuts in their home countries are heading back to the good life in Dubai.

For many expat workers in the emirates, a temporary stint of up the two years or so gives a chance to broaden work experience while enjoying constant sunshine, a tax-free salary and a slice of the good life. Returning home to recession-hit European countries with their lack of career opportunities, slashed salaries and job cuts may seem like a good idea at the time, but is resulting in many heading straight back to Dubai.

However, things may have changed since the point of leaving, with the UAE economy’s growth less than is necessary to accommodate mass relocation. Supply is now exceeding demand, and employers are becoming more selective.

In addition, moves by all the Middle Eastern countries including the UAE are edging towards employing nationals in preference to expats, however well they know the region and its culture. Jobs are still out there, with finance and banking the major sector followed by the oil and gas industries, with education, industrial and health care positions on the up, but the writing is on the wall.

Dubai employers are cutting back on expat packages, and are in a better negotiating position given an oversupply of applicants, making the good life a little less good than before. Oman is the latest emirate to jump on the local employment bandwagon, with its leader stating recently that expat manpower is now beyond desirable levels.

The Sultan acknowledged expat expertise, saying that expats are necessary as the local workforce is reluctant to take on certain jobs. However, he added, he hoped that Omani workers would soon be employed in all professions and on all projects.

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