Papua New Guinea is the experience of a lifetime for adventurous expats

Papua New Guinea is the experience of a lifetime for adventurous expats

Papua New Guinea is the experience of a lifetime for adventurous expats

For the truly adventurous would-be expat, Papua New Guinea may be the experience of a lifetime.

With the increasing tendency of traditional expat destinations to all look and act the same, all costing far more than in the past and all making new financial and visa demands of new arrivals, where should adventurous expats head for? Believe it or not, this unique destination isn’t all headhunters and dangerous wild life to which an expat is just a snack before the main meal. The lifestyle is exotic, the countryside is spectacularly beautiful, the local people are friendly and helpful and the cost of living is way down low.

It’s true that expat incomers will live in secure compounds protected by electric fences, and it’s also true that a walk to a nearby beach may not be the best idea, but the natural beauty is there to be admired, even if it’s at a distance. Residential compounds are large and well-equipped, with plenty of activities and a true communal feel enhanced by weekend barbecues around the swimming pool. The capital, Port Moresby, offers employment to expat professionals at good salaries along with quality restaurants and nightclubs, although the poverty levels outside the city are decidedly in-your-face.

The majority of expat families have a domestic helper, leaving trailing spouses time on their hands to make new friends in the community. Women tend to be slightly unappreciated, but many help out at charitable organisations or in local schools. Learning just a few words of the local Tok Pisin language is appreciated by local city-dwellers, and expats who do get to know local people find them resilient and resourceful.

Travelling outside the city limits is usually done in convoy with other expats, a habit which ensures overall safety as well as a good time. It’s a privileged existence compared with the vast majority of the population, but expat incomers rarely experience any major issues once they’ve learned to be aware of their surroundings.

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