Expat oil and gas professionals concerned about oil thefts in Nigeria

Expat oil and gas professionals concerned about oil thefts in Nigeria

Expat oil and gas professionals concerned about oil thefts in Nigeria

Recent reports of a new wave of oil thefts in Nigeria have caused concern amongst expat professionals working in the oil and gas industry.

Over the years, expats working in Africa have become used to flare-ups threatening their security. as vandalism and fuel theft are recurring issues for multinationals in the region. However, it’s well-known in the expat community that ongoing threats also include the twin dangers of kidnapping and ransom demands. Basically, security in the two major industries is an ongoing nightmare, managed as well as is possible by companies specialising in handling urgent security issues.

Expats looking to work in the region accept the sector is plagued by criminal activity from the petty level to full-blown malicious attacks on personnel, all of which are on the rise. As regards the dangers of kidnapping and ransom, the focus is changing from international expat targets to include indigenous workers, and the relatively new threat of cyber-criminality has been brought on by the digital revolution. High risk regions such as Nigeria need specific security procedures in place in order to protect operations, company assets and, of course, personnel.

The positive effect of the digital revolution is that smart security solutions such as CCTV, activity control, satellite imagery and even drones are being examined as answers to the rising crime statistics as well as threats to workers, equipment and operations. Professionals in Nigeria’s oil and gas sector are investigating the application of tech-focused innovation in order to keep everyone and everything safe, with the major corporate players in the sector sharing knowledge and ideas. Those intent on causing criminal chaos are also upping their game using modern technology, but expats intending to transfer to the region can be confident all that can be done to protect them is being done.

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