Editor of Chiang Mai expat magazine tells the truth about pollution

Editor of Chiang Mai expat magazine tells the truth about pollution
Pim Kemasingki is known for her love of her city and for the magazine itself, a long-time statement of her work in sharing that love with both expats and shorter-term visitors. She deals with controversial issues in her own uncompromising way, with her article on the city’s appalling pollution problems mentioning the fact that expatriates are choosing to leave rather than risking their lives whilst hoping for a miracle solution from local or national government.
Whilst pollution figures have dropped from a horrendous 500 to 170, still a dangerous number, she points out it will be the same in the year 2,000 and all the following years as nothing is actually being done or will be done to bring the issue to a permanent conclusion. The article mentions people are leaving, especially families with young children, international schools are losing revenue as a result and a planned half-billion baht retirement home has now been cancelled due to the pollution.
At a lower financial level, city businesses relying on tourists and expats are having a hard time due to the lack of visitors, with even regular diners at restaurants staying at home rather than braving the toxic air. Again, the article hits the rusty nail on the head, using the words ‘mass exodus’ to describe what’s happening in a historic city once a favourite with visitors and long-stay retirees. Those who can’t leave for work or family-related reasons or commitments can do nothing except hope and pray next year won’t be as bad.
Ms Kemasingki has it right as she’s now not letting this story disintegrate until it’s time to report next year’s burning season, simply by stating the magazine will keep up its pressure on the authorities for as long as it takes. She believes, correctly as many expats will say, this year’s crisis point is the biggest ever threat to the city she loves, as well as to Northern Thailand in its entirety. Amongst her many sensible suggestions for keeping the issue in the governmental and public eye, she says the media should play its part, along with lecturers, academics and educators. If everyone who has any stake at all in this beautiful region stands up and helps find solutions, perhaps this time a miracle will occur.
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