Nanjing government to promote city as top expat talent destination

 Nanjing government to promote city as top expat talent destination

Nanjing government to promote city as top expat talent destination

An international briefing conference held in Nanjing emphasised the importance of promoting the city as a major destination for top-talent expat professionals.

China is now well into promoting its welcome to expat professionals in various fields and is catching up fast on European countries such as the Netherlands. Attendees at the recently held international briefing conference in Nanjing made it clear the city was looking to become as popular as Souzhou and Hangzhou for innovative ideas intended to attract the best and brightest expat talents. As well as local officials and businessmen, the conference was attended by a representative sample of expats already living and working in the city.

The majority of the conference was given over to innovation and the need for financial support to increase its growth. Many expats asked questions about start-up opportunities, growth scope and investment. Concerns about growing pollution were addressed with promises that 61 chemical factories would be closed down, and an expat’s question on public services as they relate to the expatriate community was met with assurances the city government will optimise all services in the specific arena.

Nanjing’s government is planning to build three new university townships in a bid to cement its growing reputation as an international world city, as well as making much-needed improvements to the city’s international airport. A spokesperson for the government assured local expats the relationship between the international community and the city fathers is slated to improve as it holds the key to growth in the region.

A representative of one of Nanjing’s universities asked the panel whether the city was planning to bring in more guidance on employment in new, innovative sectors and was reassured that both local and international students receive the same services and are subject to identical rules. The conference ended with a representative of the city’s expat professional community congratulating the government for its ‘great job’ it's doing as regards its expat population.

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