Job Hunting In New Zealand

Job Hunting In New Zealand
Finding a job in New Zealand once you've arrived is easier than in many other first-world countries due to the help and advice you can access via the immigration website and the helpful nature of Kiwis in general. Many new arrivals have found jobs in their field of expertise by word of mouth from a friendly neighbour. It's certainly true that enthusiasm and perseverance pays off in New Zealand far faster than in most Western countries.

The conventional means of finding jobs are all in place here, with job offers on employment websites also visited regularly by recruitment agencies with job vacancies listed on their own sites. New Zealand industry organisations and professional bodies also publish job opportunities in their specialised sectors, and employers in general here tend to use their own websites to publish staff requirements.

Daily newspapers are another good source of job advertisements, especially on weekends, and local papers can also be a good source. Registration with a recruitment agency is a good idea, especially for those looking for highly specialised 'niche' or higher-level positions. Registration should be free, as NZ agencies charge employers for their services once a suitable applicant is found and hired.

Unlike in most Western countries, contacting employers directly brings results here, as many positions are not advertised due to the time-honoured 'word of mouth' route to hiring. Even if there isn't a position to suit, this is a good way of finding out more about your field of employment in New Zealand. Career exhibitions take place here from time to time, held by universities, industries and recruitment agencies, with applications and even immediate job interviews on the spot.

In general, networking in New Zealand is an effective way to find job leads, especially if you've already built up a number of social contacts. Family and friends, local business owners, acquaintances at the sports centre or gym, the parents of your children's school friends – or even your local church or grocery store – are all potentials for job leads. It may feel strange at first but it is very likely to get results, as is joining a professional organisation related to your job speciality.

If you're seriously looking for a position, make sure you have business cards to hand out, a positive attitude, and record all your networking and the contacts you've made, and keep in contact with those who may be able to help. Lastly, when you get your dream job, don't forget to send a thank-you note – that's how it works in New Zealand!