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Insurance And Healthcare In The UK

Charges for vehicle insurance depend on the age of the driver, the vehicle itself, the area in which the driver lives, whether the vehicle is kept on-road or in a secure garage and much more. In general, those living in London and other large cities will pay more, dependent on their area of residence, particularly if their vehicle is kept on-road.
Car insurance comes in two bands, with the cheaper, third party, fire and theft, not recommended as fully comprehensive insurance covers all eventualities which may occur. Young male drivers may expect to pay up to ?2,500, with females charged 40 per cent less and average premiums across the board at between ?800 and ?1,000.
The cost of buildings and content insurance depends on the location of the property as well as on add-ons such as secure window and door locks, fire alarms and whether the district is liable to flooding or subsidence. The two insurances are usually taken out separately, with building insurance covering the cost of a total rebuild.
Whole life insurances are offered by specialist brokers and banks and are often linked to investments, with travel insurance best purchased after an online price comparison session. Business cover, again, is dealt with by specialist brokers and can be arranged to cover loss of turnover, profit and more if a disaster such as a fire, flood or riot occurs.
Healthcare insurance is increasingly regarded as essential for those in managerial jobs as well as business owners and highly-skilled workers, due to long waiting periods for appointments, diagnostic procedures, treatment and operations in the National Health Service. Many companies provide health insurance for their key personnel in their employment package.
Costs vary and existing conditions are not covered, with BUPA, PPP, Standard Life and AXA the four main insurers. A single non-smoker aged 35 living in the capital can expect to pay around ?1,200 per year, with premiums increasing with age by at least 15 per cent a year, even if no claims are made. Over the age of 60, most premiums will double from their previous levels, even if the insured person is in excellent health.