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Brit pensioner associations fight to unfreeze British pensions

Brit pensioner associations fight to unfreeze British pensions
Expat pensioners living in countries where their UK pensions are frozen are fighting for their rights through British State pensioner associations. Grouped under the umbrella of the International Consortium of British Pensioners,(ICBP) associations in Australia, Canada and South Africa are now being joined by smaller groups. The...

US immigration bill to help undocumented Irish migrants get citizenship

US immigration bill to help undocumented Irish migrants get citizenship
The passing of the US immigration bill from the Senate to the House of Representatives is giving hope to undocumented Irish immigrants desperate to achieve full citizenship. According to Tanaiste Eamon Gilmore, the successful passage of the bill through the House will give illegal Irish immigrants a chance to emerge from the shadows of...

Controversial Immigration Bill heads for House of Representatives

Controversial Immigration Bill heads for House of Representatives
Even although the most comprehensive immigration reform bill for decades has passed the Senate with strong support, its acceptance by the House is in no way guaranteed. Now considered a major milestone in the development of America’s immigration laws, the bill could well present the outcome long awaited by both Democrats and...

Australia?s Coalition will toughen immigration if it wins federal election

Australia?s Coalition will toughen immigration if it wins federal election
The Coalition’s pre-election platform will include tightening of Australia’s already stringent immigration laws to ensure the country is safe from foreign criminals. An announcement of projected changes following an election victory included a plan to widen deportation criteria to include any visa-holding foreigner convicted of a...

Expat group claims IRS is targeting Americans living overseas

Expat group claims IRS is targeting Americans living overseas
A Switzerland-based expat group representing American expats living overseas is claiming that the IRS is deliberately targeting US expats while ignoring its duties in the homeland. American Citizens Abroad, a Geneva-based group, is taking full advantage of the ongoing congressional investigation into the IRS by accusing the authority of...

US Senate begins debate on controversial immigration overhaul bill

US Senate begins debate on controversial immigration overhaul bill
The USA Senate has begun the debate on the new bill intended to fix the country’s broken immigration system, with a vote due to be taken by month’s end. The controversial bill enjoys bipartisan support within the Senate, but is expected to struggle in the House of Representatives, which is at present preparing its own version....

Bipartisan immigration reform bill makes it to full Senate

Bipartisan immigration reform bill makes it to full Senate
Slewed slightly to the political right to attract Republican votes, the controversial US immigration reform bill is now heading for the senate floor. The centrepiece of the proposed legislation, the 13-year ‘road to citizenship’ for the majority of the 11 million illegals in the US, has survived intact and may emerge as the most...

US senator submits game changing bill to repeal FATCA

US senator submits game changing bill to repeal FATCA
The hated and feared Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act came under attack a few days ago in Congress as a violation of expats’ privacy and sovereign nations’ laws. Republican senator Rand Paul, representing Kentucky, introduced the bill, stating in a letter to the house that the new law is destructive and unsuitable as a legitimate...

Immigrant impact on town transformation underscores US visa reform

Immigrant impact on town transformation underscores US visa reform
The impact of immigration on one small town in New York State is being seen as an encouragement to the Senate to pass the immigration reform bill. Two decades since he arrived from Mexico as an illegal immigrant, one entrepreneur in this one small town now owns two restaurants, is starting a third, has five employees and is known for his...

Australia and US issue warning over visa admin scams

Australia and US issue warning over visa admin scams
The American and Australian immigration authorities are warning expats looking for professional help and advice on visa requirements and applications to beware of crooks posing as immigration officials. Australia’s Department of Immigration and Citizenship is citing reports that phone scammers are targeting the country’s international...