Reasonable house prices attract expats to Almere new town

Reasonable house prices attract expats to Almere new town

Reasonable house prices attract expats to Almere new town

The Netherlands is still soaring in popularity with expat professionals looking to startups or permanent jobs with multinational companies.

As the numbers of expat arrivals continues to grow, reasonably-priced accommodation gets rarer, especially in the country’s capital and other major cities. One answer also becoming increasingly popular is Almere, the Dutch version of the UK’s ‘new towns’. Started some 40 years ago on land reclaimed from the Atlantic Ocean, the city is surrounded by greenery and is now becoming an attractive expat destination with the major bonus of affordability.

Over 2,000 residents have either built their own ultra-modern dream homes or bought an already-built house for far less than in Amsterdam, Rotterdam or The Hague. Public transport between Almere and the major conurbations is fast and inexpensive, and the town now has its own international school. It’s just a short walk to nearby harbours and beaches and surrounded by nature reserves, with modern family homes with gardens available at around €275,000. The town itself offers all the shopping outlets and restaurants necessary, with its only downside the lack of a picturesque, historic town centre.

Public transport is well-organised, bike lanes are safely segregated and the town’s districts are well-planned and attractive in their own right. According to one enthusiastic expat resident, the town is still something of a well-kept secret and is underestimated as a result. However, it’s growing in popularity with expatriates with young families due to its convenience and safety.

The foreign community is multinational and, although rents are now rising, house sales to expats are booming as the properties are well-constructed, solid, have strong foundations and don’t have the leakage problems encountered in Amsterdam. Another advantage is that properties are far too young to have any problems with the Netherlands’ stringent monument protection service.

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