Singapore tops expat survey for fourth year running

Singapore tops expat survey for fourth year running

Singapore tops expat survey for fourth year running

In the latest HSBC survey, Singapore again made number one for its overall expat package.

The HSBC survey ranks every aspect of expat life in worldwide destinations and is regarded as one of the more reliable of the annual crop of online surveys. To start with, expats are drawn to the tiny city-state for its position as a global financial hub as well as its stable, strong economy, and its high salaries which allow the lucky few to live the dream. Singapore’s also strong on career progression, the ability to make friends easily and its excellent healthcare offerings.

According to the study, just under half of the expat respondents moved to Singapore to further their international careers, and just over one-third relocated to Asia for a far higher salary than was possible in the home country. Interestingly, over 25 per cent made the move as they enjoy a challenge, but the majority were happy to stay simply because of the quality of life it offers them and their families. Over 60 per cent of expats who took part in the survey agreed their kids’ health and wellbeing were better than in the home country.

As for the rest of the countries surveyed, New Zealand’s second place in the listing depended on its expat ‘experience’ including integration, safety, healthcare, culture and quality of life. Germany’s third place rested on economic factors such as job satisfaction, stability and salaries, and Canada’s economy played a large part in its listing as the fourth best expat destination. Bahrain’s fifth place benefited from the emirate’s economy as well as for its high salaries and also hit first place in the wage growth sub-sector. As regards former world leaders, the USA could only manage 21st place and the UK staggered in at 22nd with poor results for healthcare, integration and the cost of property.

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