Singapore world?s most expensive city

Singapore world?s most expensive city

Singapore world?s most expensive city

The world’s most expensive city to live in is Singapore, according to The Economist research sector the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).

It is the second successive year that the Southeast Asian city has been named the most expensive city, with public transport said to be three times as costly as it is in New York. It was also the joint most expensive place for clothes shopping, along with the South Korean capital Seoul.

The EIU noted that house prices are also on the up in the city, with the value of median homes increasing as more and more expats flock to the business hub. High registration costs and taxes, meanwhile, designed to tempt people to use public transport, are more expensive than most other cities.

The Japanese cities of Tokyo and Osaka have dropped down the list as a result of the underperforming yen, while Geneva and Zurish are on the up because the Swiss franc has been on the up of late. The Asian cities of Hong Kong and Seoul were also in the top 10.

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