Business - Emigrating to UK

This is the category page for all Business related articles within the emigrating to UK emigration guide here on

Business Accountancy And Tax In The UK

The accountancy, tax, Value Added tax (VAT) and other financially-related laws applied to UK businesses are complicated, and at present subject to major changes, making a nightmare for new business owners unfamiliar with the UK system. The safest way to deal with this situation without incurring a visit from the Inland Revenue is to employ a...

Buying An Established Business In The UK

Buying an existing business is preferable in many ways for those migrants who don’t need to get involved in the complication of starting a business from scratch and developing its products and services in an unfamiliar marketplace. Even if your selected company is less than profitable at present, your previous experience and personal...

Legal Services And Costs In The UK

Legal services for start-ups, franchises, buying established businesses and all other forms of new business ventures in the UK may involve contractual issues, compliance with EU employment, health and safety, patents issues, trade union, local government and many sectors of company law as well as legal representation should any problems...

Starting A Business In The UK

There are a number of options available for starting a business in the UK, including buying an existing company and developing it, becoming a franchisee for an established brand, becoming an agent for referral marketing or becoming self-employed and starting a new business from scratch. All are challenging and involve finance and a great deal...